Ground Survey
Ground survey is necessary to determine the suitability of a site for any structure, first of all, to project safely and economically. “Geotechnical investigation” or “Soil survey” is all of the studies carried out in the field and in the laboratory to determine the thickness, types and engineering parameters of the layers in the ground section in a site to be built.
Before the houses are built, it is necessary to determine the ground properties of the building in order to take precautions against future risks and dangers. For this reason, after the earthquake in 1999, it has become necessary to construct structures based on ground studies in order to determine the ground properties and build the buildings according to the determined ground properties.
In order to design earthquake resistant structures, it is necessary to design the structures by determining the ground properties of the building to be built and calculating the behavior during the earthquake. Soil group, local soil class and bearing strength values of the ground lead the design of earthquake resistant structures. These values are obtained from ground studies. For this reason, the reliability of ground studies is of paramount importance within the scope of disaster mitigation.
Ground survey work consists of two parts as field and laboratory studies. Field studies, drilling studies in the field, laboratory studies are composed of soil identification experiments carried out in the laboratory. Within the scope of the subsequent studies, a drilling tool is used, which can drill the ground depending on the depth and take samples.
The drilling tool consists of parts such as rod, weight, hammer, injection pump, compressor, drill bit.
Effective use of the tool is only when it is used by qualified drills. Ground definitions are made in the laboratory by taking samples at varying depths within the scope of drilling studies. In addition, standard penetration SPT test is performed within the scope of field studies and information about the firmness and consistency of the soil is obtained. SPT numbers obtained from the standard penetration test are used in the liquefaction and bearing loss analysis of the soil.